To enter, complete and submit the nomination form. All entries must be received by January 24, 2025, 23:59 CET.. All entrants must complete the online nomination form (one per product nominated), and remit payment for the entry fee(s) via our online system. The prize-winners will be determined by a panel of judges and will be notified in person and/or email on or about February 6, 2025. Judges’ decisions are final. We do not offer refunds in the event of an unsuccessful outcome, this policy helps ensure fairness and consistency for all participants. This contest is sponsored by Future US, 11 W 42nd Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Benefits included with each of your Awards-Entry Submissions: all entrants will receive social & award nominee badges to promote their entry into the ISE Best of Show Awards. Additionally, winners will receive a trophy for display at ISE 2025 and beyond; promotion on their selected brand's website, publications and newsletters as an official ISE Best of Show award winner; a fully-licensed winner's badge, which can be used to promote winning nominations, both domestically and internationally; a winner's package to aid any in-house promotion, this will consist of a press release and social post. 

Entry fees are £525.00 + VAT per product per category to which you submit for consideration. Companies may enter numerous products for consideration, provided they complete the online nomination form and pay the necessary entry fee(s). The use of any automated devices in connection with this promotion is prohibited. Entries made on the Internet will be deemed made by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at the time of entry. In the event of a dispute, potential winner may be required to provide proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the e-mail address associated with the potentially winning entry.

Entry fees are non-refundable and you are liable for the full fee/s, except in the event of cancellation or rescheduling of the Event by Future. In the event of such cancellation or rescheduling, we will only refund a maximum of the fee/s paid. We will use reasonable endeavours to notify you of any cancellation or rescheduling but we cannot guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation or rescheduling before the date and it is your responsibility to ascertain whether the Event has been cancelled or rescheduled. In the event of any conflict about the size of a refund, Future’s decision is final.