08.30    Delegate Arrival 
(Tea and Coffee)

09.00     Welcome & Introduction Michael Holmes - Chair NaCSBA 

An update on Government support and ambitions for the custom build sector
Richard Bacon - MP for South Norfolk, Chair of APPG for Self-Build, Custom & Community Housebuilding & Placemaking 

09.45     Individual Serviced Plots & Custom Build - Defining the Opportunity
Why diversifying housing supply is key to accelerating the delivery of new homes
Introduction - Andrew Baddeley Chappell CEO NaCSBA

What can we learn from mature overseas markets?
A look at the consumer journey for homebuyers overseas where custom build and serviced plots are a mainstream housing choice and how this sits alongside speculatively built new homes.
Jason Orme, Content Director , Homebuilding & Renovating

Bryony Harrington, Head of the RTB Task Force

Integrating Custom Build and Serviced Plots Into Your Business
Successful UK custom build developers (architects, housebuilder and timber frame manufacturer) reveal their experiences entering the market, the opportunities and obstacles they have experienced and how this has shaped their current business model and ambitions for the future.
Panel Discussion led by Chair Michael Holmes
Gus Zogolovich – NaCSBA Custom Build Representative
Mark Stevenson NaCSBA and Potton Custom Build
Linda Faucher  Director, NuLivingCharlie De Bono, Director, Lived In Custom Build

10.45    Quantifying Potential Demand
Analysis of the latest research on demand for custom build homes and serviced plots across the UK including new Ipsos Mori survey data on public attitudes and FOI request data on right to build registers.

Andrew Baddeley Chappell CEO NaCSBA
Assessing Long Term Demand by Location
Using demand assessment to provide robust evidence to inform development proposals, support site allocations and shape the direction of housing strategy.
Lin Cousins MRTPI, Three Dragons

Accelerating Housing Delivery 
A panel successful developers offering serviced plots and custom build alongside or in competition with speculatively built homes share their experience and views on whether extending customer choice widens the appeal of newbuild and accelerates build out, or cannibalizes the existing market.
Panel Discussion led by Chair Michael Holmes
Karen Curtin, Managing Director, Graven Village Development Company
Mark Quinn, CEO and Chairman, Quinn Estates

Matt Johnson, Development Director, Wynyard Park

11.45    Coffee & Networking

12.15    The Changing Legislative Framework: Is Planning Policy on Custom Build and Serviced Plots Working?

Summary of the most in-depth review of local authority responses to the ‘right to build’ legislation plus a snapshot of schemes coming forward with assistance from the Right to Build Task Force.

Bryony Harrington Head of the RTB Task Force


Overcoming the challenges of a deeply conservative planning regime

Expert analysis of significant recent planning and appeal case decisions that are shaping the material weight of the ‘right to build’ legislation, plus case study examples of successful applications for development schemes incorporating custom build and serviced plots.
This session includes a UK wide perspective on planning policy on custom build and serviced plots in Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland.

Andy Moger BA (Hons) MA MRTPI - Tetlow King 

Sally Tagg RTPI - Foxley Tagg, NaCSBA Technical Representative

13.15 Lunch & Networking


We then have insightful and interactive breakout sessions to attend in the afternoon

14.15     The Wider Socio-Economic Impact of Custom Build

  • Is the UK homebuyer ready for choice and can the construction sector deliver it?
  • Will increased consumer choice prove a better driver for improving design and build quality than the profit motive?
  • Can CSB play a role in meeting wider policy objectives for new homes including regeneration, diversity, sustainability and affordability?

Panel Discussion led by Chair Michael Holmes
David Milner MEng Project Manager & Urban Designer, Create Streets
Phil Cringle – Housing & Development Consultant The Cringle Consultancy 
Adam Broadway RTPI – Funding Affordable Homes 

Toby Lloyd, Housing Expert and Former Policy Adviser to No 10

15.15    Afternoon Breakout Sessions Part 1
Development Finance for Custom and Self Build
A guide to funding options for developments incorporating custom build and serviced plots, including worked examples.
Homes England Home Builder Fund
Building Societies Association
Tom McSherry – BuildStore and Build Loan

Ian Fergusson FRICS – Managing Partner J&E Shepherd, RICS UK & Ireland Board member.

Promoting Land Incorporating Individual Serviced Plots
A guide for landowners, developers and agents considering promoting land for development incorporating custom build and serviced plots.
Andy Moger BA (Hons) MA MRTPI Tetlow King 

Mark Stevenson - MD Potton Custom Build and Chair of Solid Timber Association

Defining the Opportunity for SME Housebuilders and Contractors
How to structure and grow a successful and efficient business model for this growing sector of the construction market
Federation of Master Builders

Bringing Forward Community Led Housing Projects
A guide for landowners, developers and site promoters on how to incorporate community-led housing proposals including within the build out of strategic sites
National CLT Network

Jon Broom, Jon Broome Architects, NaCSBA Group Custom and Self Build Representative

16.00     Coffee Break & Networking

16.30    Afternoon Breakout Sessions Part 2

Mortgage lending and valuation for the custom build sector 
The role of mortgage providers in a development incorporating custom build and serviced plots and the importance of ensuring potential buyers have access to mortgage finance adequate to suit the scale of their development and the number of units, including the importance of working with a specialist valuer with experience in the sector.
Paul Broadhead Head of Mortgages, Housing Building Societies Association
Tom McSherry – BuildStore and Build Loan

Ian Fergusson FRICS – Managing Partner J&E Shepherd, RICS UK & Ireland Board member.

Tax planning for landowners and serviced plot providers (CGT, VAT, SDLT, CIL Exemption & more) - KPMG / Legal
Securing Zero Rate VAT on Serviced Plots -Daniel Smith KPMG 
Using the Self Build Exemption for Custom Build - Rachel Herbert, Senior Associate, Dentons
Tax Considerations for Landowners Disposing of Land for Custom Build - KPMG

Ensuring High Quality Design and Placemaking 
Using Design Codes, Local Development Orders
Allan Corfield Architects, RIBA

Julia Riddle RTPI, Castle Planning, NaCSBA Task Force

Bringing Forward Affordable Custom Build Homes
Opportunities to deliver affordable housing through Custom Build


17.15     Summary Address and Q&A session


17.30    Finish